Berdasarkan pengalaman dan penelitian sendiri, bukan pendapat orang lain :
Blackberry bold = Bb, iphone 3g = ip3g
1. Ip3g RM 1950 (maxis set), Bb RM 1800-2200 (AP atau original from telco provider).
1. Bb gemuk dan tebal daripada ip3g.
2. Ip3g simple dan sempoi. Bb nampak cam executive sikit.
3. Display ip3g lebih besar daripada Bb. Paparan kedua duanya sama cantik.
4. Ip3g button cuma ada satu je kat depan, Bb ada keypad abc.
5. Bunyi kalo loudspeaker best Bb.
6. ip3g ngan Bb, 2.0 megapiksel camera tapi Bb ada flash ngan zoom. Ip3g takde.
1. Kalo surf internet, ip3g 4 kali lagi laju daripada Bb.
2. Tapi kalo email, Bb lebih secure dan cepat daripada ip3g.
3. ada Bb messenger, among Bb user nak mesej dan send file free.
4. kedua duanya di support oleh beribu perisian lain tapi kena bayar la.
5. Bb sesuai untuk urusan kerja, ip3g lebih sesuai kepada mereka yang pentingkan hiburan.
1. reception mobile network ip3g kurang berbanding dengan Bb.
2. Bateri ip3g lebih cepat abis berbanding Bb.
3. Tengok videoclip, dengar lagu thru headphone, main Games lebih layan pakai ip3g berbanding Bb.
4. main ym, fb dan update blog lagi senang pakai Bb sebab guna keypad berbanding ip3g pakai touch screen.
5. Bb boleh multitask, bole buka macam2 program dalam satu2 masa. ip3g bule buka hanya satu software dalam satu2 masa.
6. Bb hanya boleh digunakan sepenuhnya sekiranya melanggan Celcom/maxis/digi pelan BIS atau BES, anggaran bayaran bulanan RM150. kalo tak, cuma bole call ngn sms jer. function lain tidak la berfungsi. Ip3g kena pakai yang unlock telco baru la bole sumbat apa2 jenis simcard dan berfungsi.
7. Bb maksimum memory card bole masuk 8gb. ip3g built in samada 8gb atau 16gb memory.
kesimpulan yang aku buat.
ip3g - nak surf intenert, nampak stylo, funky dan lebih kepada hiburan seswai pakai dis fon.
Bb - mail, urusan keje, nak edit2 file, presentation, nak dgr lagu ngn tgk videoclip elokla pakai dis fon.
yang kat bawah ni aku amik artikel review wartawan yang test pakai blackberry daripada laman web mmail.com.my
REPORTER REVIEW: Embracing the Crackberry cult
WHAT: Blackberry Curve 8520 Gemini (Recommended retail price: RM1,199)
WHO: Janis Seet (Reporter – Lifestyle Desk)
WHY: As a former Smartphone user, Janis has always been curious about the whole Crackberry obsession and so when this particular model floated by, she couldn’t resist getting her pretty little hands on it – purely for the sake of research of course …
It’s only natural to want to find out what the whole hype about the Blackberry is. Having many friends who have already jumped on the bandwagon, I have heard raving reviews as well as the raving equivalent of complaints.
Some friends swear by it and some of them swear about it (I personally just wanted a BlackBerry because I think it makes me look smart and successful).
So when the all new Blackberry Curve 8520 landed in my hands for a review, I was overjoyed and gleeful at the opportunity to join the rest of the world and to get connected.
Day 1
It was delivered to the office and I felt on top of the world as I was one of the very first few to get my hands on the new Blackberry model but more importantly, it was like discovering new territory.
First thing I did was configure my email and it was so easy to do that I was worried I did it wrong and would not receive any mail. So I had a friend send me an email just to test it out.
In my previous experience, to configure my email on my PDA phone, I had to enter numerous settings like POP server number and the like that took me three whole days and two trips to the phone shop to figure out.
On the Blackberry, I simply keyed in my email address and password and it worked already! Unfortunately, emails started coming in from my boss.
Day 4
After a few days, I was starting to get the hang of it. I especially loved the touch-sensitive track pad, it was highly responsive and accurate and playing games on it turned out to be more addictive than I thought.
Day 10
Armed with my Blackberry I attended an event which was, in the nicest way possible, boring. So an innovative thought struck me.
While in the Press conference, I decided to try out my multi-tasking skills and type out the entire article to send in so as to avoid having to make a trip back to the office.
The QWERTY keypad was really handy to have. Contrary to popular belief, it is not hard to type on, and no, your fingers are not too fat.
Day 14
I was waiting for an email to come in, normally I would have to sit in front of the computer and wait but with the Blackberry
I was able to head out for coffee with some friends as I knew the trusty Blackberry would alert me once the mail arrived in my inbox.
Best part was, I was able to reply immediately. Haven’t been this efficient in a while.
Day 16
I knew that this day would come. Returning the test set.
Day 17
I felt like someone chopped off my left hand and replaced it with a fork.
While I could still get things done, I felt as though something was missing and there was always a gnawing feeling that I was missing out on something important.
It was basically the ‘cold turkey’ period. I loved the test set so much that I think I will go out there and buy one myself. How’s that for a review?
Plus it didn’t hang at all in the two weeks I had it. It’s god’s gift to the busy executive. And an important lesson I learned was that the Blackberry does not just make you look great, it really is a tool of greatness.
Yes, I belong to the camp that swears by it.
mizi..ko da guna ke BB ni?
aku pn tgh survey bb ni
klu ko nk let go bb ni btau aku airbatu@gmail.com
Tq -dino-
aku dah hampir sebulan pakai bb. buat masa sekarang takde perasaan nak let go bb atau ip3g dino. hehehe
pakai la bb. best
tp maxis offer iphone...
celcom je offer bb ni
klu kita beli yng unlocked..suma function bole guna x?
takut xboleh pakai..hmm
Kalo ko beli yg unlock ok jer. Dijamin bule pakai.lainla kalo ko kene tipu dgn org yg jual hp.e
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