So arini ari selasa,
nasib baik orang p1wimax tipon aku tadi waktu lunch hour,
tanye kabar internet connection aku,
cuba kalo dia tak tipon,
esok jugak aku gi p1 hq,
itupun setelah minggu lepas ari rabu malam kalo tak silap aku tipon centre dia,
mengadu pasal masalah aku,
melalui email pun aku buat aduan jugak,
tapi agak lambat juga respon dia,
sebab ramai sangat kut yang buat komplen,
setat ari ahad lepas,
p1 aku connection agak stabil jugak ar,
dah cecah balik 1.2 mbps download dan upload 0.23 mbps,
paling rendah dia turun pun dalam 0.5 mbps download,
dan okla, takdela aku nak marah2 lagi,
nanti kene darah tinggi susah,
lenkali korang2 pun,
kalo ada masalah tentang servis ke apa ke,
mana diorang bagi ruang untuk komplen ke apa,
belasah jer komplen,
pedulikan sebab korang bayarkan?
"jadilah pengguna bijak",

ini ler rupanya modem kat rumah haku,
oleh itu disini ku kepilkan sekali email balas membalas di antara aku dan orang p1 wimax merujuk kepada masalah aku :
Dear chew,
This is my answer
1. May I know the LED color status on your modem, please? This will give us a brief explanation on the modem status at the moment.
2. In the mean time, have you tried switching off the modem for 10 seconds and try reconnecting to the network afterwards? Let me know if the issue remains.
3. Does the slow connection occur when you are surfing certain websites only? If so, I would recommend you to try visiting the website at different times. This is because the issue might be caused by the website being surf by too many visitors.
4. If you are using a P2P application (Torrent) to download any file from the internet, I would recommend you to switch of the application temporarily to verify if the issue is related to the application or otherwise.
5. If you are using a switch or router to connect the modem and computer, I recommend you to try connecting the modem directly to the computer by using the provided LAN cable. This will help us eliminate any communication barrier between the modem and the compute.
- I'm only use modem given by p1.
6. I would also recommend you to try connecting a different computer to the network. This will help us determine if the issue occurs within your computer only or otherwise. However, please avoid connecting more than one computer to the modem for this testing.
My conclusion, the root problem is speed connection p1 in my area.
Thank you.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Hello Ahmad Tarmidzi Bin Ahmad Nordin,
Thank you for contacting P1 Wimax Support.
I understand that you are experiencing slow upload speed with your P1 W1MAX service.
I understand your frustration towards the connection issue with your P1 W1MAX package plan. Thus, I will try to provide you with possible troubleshooting steps which might help you resolve the issue.
To proceed further, I hope that you can verify the connection issue according to the elements/status below.
1. May I know the LED color status on your modem, please? This will give us a brief explanation on the modem status at the moment.
2. In the mean time, have you tried switching off the modem for 10 seconds and try reconnecting to the network afterwards? Let me know if the issue remains.
3. Does the slow connection occur when you are surfing certain websites only? If so, I would recommend you to try visiting the website at different times. This is because the issue might be caused by the website being surf by too many visitors.
4. If you are using a P2P application (Torrent) to download any file from the internet, I would recommend you to switch of the application temporarily to verify if the issue is related to the application or otherwise.
5. If you are using a switch or router to connect the modem and computer, I recommend you to try connecting the modem directly to the computer by using the provided LAN cable. This will help us eliminate any communication barrier between the modem and the computer.
6. I would also recommend you to try connecting a different computer to the network. This will help us determine if the issue occurs within your computer only or otherwise. However, please avoid connecting more than one computer to the modem for this testing.
I am looking forward to your reply with responses to the above request.
Should you require further troubleshooting steps, please contact our Careline at 1-300-800-888. Please provide your account number and Case Log ID to the phone agent so that your case could be sorted out quickly when you call in.
Your Account Number : 101573202
Your Case Log ID : 278772
Thank you for choosing P1.
Best regards,
Technical Consultant
P1 Careline
P1 Careline Tel: 1300-800-888
Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 11pm
(Daily including public holidays)
From: amat mizi [mailto:enmizi@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 11:10 AM
To: careline
Subject: Re: RE : P1 Feedback Form - File Complaint
Dear Ganapathy,
I did follow all the instruction given but yet still my connection unstable and only received average 0.6 mbps and below.
Should i being given waive last month bill for your unconvenience service.
I dont want to call your P1 Careline at 1-300-800-888 because the standard answer given by your CS will be,
"Sir, we are upgrading our system." Even if there is upgrading in my area, can you even bother just email me for giving announcement and infos about it?
Well, i dont care about your upgrading because i expect when you offer your service means that you are ready to give service to me. all i care is my 1.2 mbps download rate.....
So give me back my 1.2 mbps like the first month i used p1.
thank you....
On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:54 PM, <careline@packet-1.com> wrote:
Dear Ahmad Tarmidzi Bin Ahmad Nordin ,
We thank you for your email and for using our P1 WiMAX services.
With regard to your query, please be advised to use the following information to update your IP Address.
For Windows XP:
Click Start -> Click on Control Panel -> Click on Classic View (from the left side bar menu) - > Click on network connection -> right click on local area connection -> select properties -> Click on Internet Protocol TCP/IP (in Networking tab) -> Properties
For Windows Vista:
Click Start -> Click on Control Panel -> Click on Classic View (from the left side bar menu) -> Double click Network and Sharing Center -> Click Manage Network Connections -> Under Local Area Network, click on view status -> Click Properties -> Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IPv4) (in Networking tab) -> Properties.
Then proceed with below setting :
Ip Address:
Subnet Mask:
Preferred DNS :
alternate DNS :
Then continue with the following guide:
Kindly do a disk cleanup, delete browsing history
Turn off Anti-Virus, Windows Firewall and any P2P applications.
Please be informed to restart your computer after updating the IP Address.
If you are still facing the same problem, kindly visit http://speed.p1.com.my/ and provide us 3 copy of the speedtest screen capture to careline@p1.com.my so we can proceed the information for further investigations.
In the meantime, should you require any other further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our P1 Careline at 1-300-800-888 between 8:00 am to 11:00 pm daily.
Warmest regards,
Customer Service Personnel
1 comment:
huh...........paya temui service provider yg mmpu mjga service yg dah mrk promt...msa promt bkn main nak jga standrd payah...smsa mmbaut R&D...agknya mrk lupa akn bakal kesesakn pgguna yg bakal mlimpahi pakej mrk...bila ia sdh blku smua balik kpd pllgn........
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